New for January 2016~ my hair-care routine and favorite products

Hi friends,

I thought I would start the new month (and the new year) with an updated post on my hair-care routine and favorite products.  Thank you so much for following my blog!  I hope you have a lovey 2016 full of beautiful days and wonderful memories.

1) Trimming

I keep my hair trimmed evenly across the bottom, since personally I like the idea of an even "hem-line" as opposed to fairy-tale or tapered ends.  I think that even hair looks longer and healthier.  My mother trims my hair for me when it starts to look uneven across the bottom, usually once every few months or so.  She is even more careful than I would be to take off just a little bit at a time.  My hair reached ankle-length several years ago.  Although it could grow much longer I prefer to keep it trimmed at ankle-length.  My main hair-growing goal is to have hair that looks thick all the way down with as little taper as possible.

2) Oils

Last year I discovered the joy of coconut oil for hair.  I absolutely love it!  A few hours before washing my hair, I take it down from my hairstyle for that day and apply coconut oil to the length.  Since I live in a warm climate year-round, my coconut oil is always in liquid form~ so nice.  Sometimes instead of coconut oil on my hair I use monoi oil, an infused perfume oil from Tahiti made by soaking Tahitian gardenia petals in coconut oil.  When I get in the shower I rinse the oil out of my hair in cool water, then condition-wash-condition as usual.

During the week I put different types of oils and oil mist sprays on the length of my hair, concentrating mostly on the ends.  This keeps my hair looking healthy and shiny and helps it not to be dry.  These are my favorites:

3) Washing my hair

I use the condition-wash-condition method and wash my hair two times a week, except for my bangs which I wash and blow-dry every morning.  My favorite brand and the only one I ever use is Herbal Essences.  I prefer the red bottles "Long-Term Relationship" or the blue bottles "Moroccan My Shine."  Although the golden "Honey, I'm Strong" is very nice, too, as well as the pink "Touchably Smooth."

After rinsing the coconut oil out of my hair, I condition the length to protect it and shampoo only the top.  I use a fist-full of conditioner and a small not-quite-palm-size amount of shampoo.  I rinse all that out with cool water, then condition the bottom again.  I leave that conditioner on for several minutes before rinsing my hair one last time in cool water.  I never wash my hair in hot water. 

4) Apple cider vinegar rinse

Every 2 or 3 months, my hair needs a clarifying rinse from all the oils and conditioner I use.  After washing and conditioning my hair, I use an apple cider vinegar rinse.  To make this, I just add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to a big glass of water.  After washing out the conditioner the second time, I pour this vinegar rinse over my whole head and the length of my hair, then quickly rinse my hair with cool water.  This apple cider vinegar rinse makes my hair very soft and shiny and oh-so-nice.

5) Combing my hair

I only ever use a large-tooth comb on my hair.  I do use a round boar-hair brush to style my bangs, and a rat-tail comb to make parts when I am braiding or to comb out my braid tassel.

I try to be very careful when combing out my wet hair, to start at the bottom and work my way up to the top.  Sometimes if I am having trouble with tangles or it is taking me a long time, I use my favorite "No More Tangles" detangling spray.

6) Drying my hair

Of course as anyone with long hair or thick hair knows, it can take a while for your hair to air-dry!  I blow-dry my bangs every morning, but never use the blow-dryer on my hair.  I wash my hair at night and let it air-dry while I am asleep.  If I happen to wash my hair in the morning, I will usually put it in a bun while it is still wet to protect it throughout the day, then sleep with it loose at night so it can air-dry.

7) Healthy hair from the inside-out

Probably the best hair-secret I could share is to eat a spoonful of peanut butter every day.  I have done this faithfully for years, and can honestly say that peanut butter makes my hair healthy and strong, and also makes it grow fast.  My hair and I love peanut butter!


Thank you for taking the time to read such a lengthy post!  If you have any questions or comments, just leave them below.  Happy hair-growing, my friends :-) <3

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